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SAND AAC Panel production line has the following characteristics

Raw material handling and storage

By strategically organizing the storage area for raw materials in the aerated sheet production line, we can enhance the handling of these materials. This improvement aims to mitigate issues such as dust, noise, and the generation of solid waste. Ultimately, the goal is to establish a more pleasant and conducive working environment for the employees.

Measure and pour the ingredients

The process involves the precise measurement of slurry, cement, gypsum, and aluminum powder using dedicated automatic metering equipment. Subsequently, these ingredients are mixed at high speeds within a mixer. After the mixture is poured into the mold box, a process of bubble elimination is carried out. The entire system is under the automatic control of a PLC system, guaranteeing both the accuracy and efficiency of the process.

Pre-curing and cutting

The use of the Pre-curing control mode is instrumental in safeguarding the internal structure of the cake during the air expansion process, preventing any potential damage. Furthermore, the key components within the offered six-sided cutting scheme are the efficient and seamlessly operating cutting machine, along with the peeling and turning device. These core pieces of equipment play a central role in the process.

Steamed and finished product processing

The aerated sheet goes through an autoclave to achieve its ultimate strength and performance characteristics. Once the product emerges from the autoclave, it is processed through innovative separation and packaging system. This not only enhances the product’s qualification rate but also effectively addresses the challenges related to separating blocks and panels.

Related projects


The “6.0M Block Project” is a construction initiative that appears to be focused on the production of building blocks or structural elements with a specific size or specification of 6.0 meters. These blocks can have various applications in construction, providing strength and stability for different types of structures. Below is a general introduction to the project:

Project Name: 6.0M Block Project

Project Description: The 6.0M Block Project is a construction and building materials endeavor dedicated to the production of blocks with a standardized size of 6.0 meters. These blocks play a critical role in various construction projects, offering robust and sizable components for building purposes.

Key Aspects of the Project:

  1. Production Capacity:The project aims to manufacture blocks with a specific size of 6.0 meters, emphasizing the production of large-scale construction elements.
  2. Materials:The specific type of materials used for these blocks can vary, but they are typically designed to meet industry standards for strength, durability, and safety.
  3. Technology and Machinery:State-of-the-art machinery and production methods are likely to be employed to ensure the efficient and precise manufacturing of these blocks.
  4. Quality Assurance:Maintaining a high level of quality and ensuring that the blocks meet industry standards and regulations is a fundamental aspect of the project.
  5. Market Impact:The availability of 6.0M blocks can significantly influence the construction industry by providing substantial and sturdy components for various types of structures.
  6. Environmental Considerations:The project may consider environmentally friendly production methods and materials, aligning with sustainable practices and industry trends.
  7. Applications:These blocks can be used in a range of construction projects, including but not limited to building walls, foundations, bridges, and other large-scale structures.

The success of such a project depends on factors such as the quality of materials, the efficiency of production processes, adherence to industry standards, and the demand for the produced blocks in the market.